Indiana University Webb-Ehrlich Great Organ of Alumni Hall - Indiana Memorial Union
Bloomington, Indiana

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Fisk Opus 91

Manual keyboards, CC - a3, 58 notes, flat Pedalboard, CC-f1, 30 notes
Bracketed pairs of stops are controlled by a single knob. Drawing the stop halfway brings on
the first stop; drawing it fully brings on the second stop

Combination action: Two pairs of adjustable conbination "on" and "off" pedals:
one pair to operate stops of the left stop jamb and one pair to operate stops of the right stop jamb.

Case: Decorated Oak, carving in walnut by Morgan Faulds Pike.

Pedale Grande Orgue Positif-de-Dos Recit

32' Bourdon
16' Montre
16' Sousbasse
8' Flute
4' Flute
Mixture IV

16' Bombarde
8' Trompette


All Manuals:
Stabilisation du vent

16' Montre
8' Principal
8' Gambe
8' Flute Harmonique
8' Flute a cheminee
4' Octave
4' Flute
2' Doublette
Cornet V (from cl)
Plein jeu harm. II-V

8' Trompette
4' Clarion

16' Bourdon
8' Montre
8' Bourdon
4' Prestant
4' Flute
2 2/3' Quinte
Sesquialtera II
2' Doublette
Fourniture V
1' Flageolet

8' Cromorne

Tremblant Positif

8' Viole de gambe
8' Voix Celeste
8' Bourdon
4' Flute italienne
2' Flute a bec
2 2/3' Nazard
Cornet II
2' Doublette
Fourniture IV

16' Clarinet basse
8' Trompette
8' Hautbois
8' Vox Humaine

Tremblant Recit

Click the play button (right facing arrow) to listen after the file begins to download.

Adjust volume as necessary

Grand Choeur Dialogue - Gigout

Christopher Young, Organist

Used with Permission.
Alternate audio:

Praeludium in E minor by Nicholas Bruhns

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